Re-opening of Services at St. John the Baptist

Christ is risen!

Beloved in Christ,

Following the recent meeting of the Holy Synod of the Greek Archdiocese of America and the pastoral directions received from our Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, we are giving thanks to our merciful Lord, that we can now start the gradual re-opening of our churches. The re-opening will happen in phases, in accordance with our local health and public safety mandates, having in mind first your health and your spiritual life.

In order to go through this process as smoothly as possible, we are asking all your patience, love and cooperation, as we walk together into this new phase. 

Kindly read carefully the attached guidelines we have prepared for our parish.

Here are some important highlights:

If you are sick, at higher risk, have been exposed to someone confirmed with COVID-19, or just uncomfortable to come, kindly stay at home. We will be holding weekly services reserved for those at higher risk, as laid out below. They will be labeled with the designation AGAPE (love). We will also continue to stream our services online at

Based on our church capacity, we will reopen initially with a limited capacity (50 persons per service), which will allow us to keep safe distancing and proper sanitizing procedures, as laid out in the attached guidelines. We will however, hold more services a week to allow more people to participate, if they so wish.

We will also require that you initially sign-up for services online, at the link below, so we are able to maintain the safety parameters explained. Kindly sign-up for all the family member coming with you, in order to have a full count. Out of courtesy to all, kindly sign-up only for one Divine Liturgy a week for the time being.Sign up here: If you cannot access the sign-up website kindly call or email the office for assistance. 

Our first service will be the coming Sunday, May 10. We will serve the Orthros and Divine Liturgy of the Sunday of the Paralytic starting at 8:30 am.

Here is the initial weekly schedule, subject to change, based on weekly feast days etc.

a.     Wednesday Paraklesis service at 6pm (with exceptions)

b.   One weekday morning Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 8:30 am, date to be announced every week. This service will be reserved only for the people at risk (over 65 years of age, diabetes, asthma, immunocompromised, chemotherapy etc.). The service will have the designation AGAPE in the title so you know which one it is. 

c.     Saturday morning: Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 8:30 am

d.     Saturday evening Vespers at 5pm

e.    Sunday morning: Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 8:30 am

We understand that there is a lot of discussion nowadays about safe distancing and masks. Following the safety guidelines from the authorities and the directions from our Metropolis we are requiring everyone to maintain the 6 ft safety distance and we highly recommend bringing your own mask to cover mouth and nose (disposable or cloth). We will have a limited quantity of masks available on site if you are unable to obtain one. This is not done out of fear, but out of love for our neighbor in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease.

UPDATED: Regarding Holy Communion, as previously stated by our Hierarchs, Holy Communion is the true Body and Blood of Christ and will continue to be distributed in the usual manner. If you do not feel comfortable to receive, please feel free not to approach the chalice.

I know this is a lot. But we all give thanks to God for making it safe enough for us to congregate again, even in the more challenging conditions that we are currently facing. Patience, love and obedience are very much necessary to be exercised by everyone of us, to attain the peace that is so necessary for prayer. A heart that is anxious or worried cannot pray. Leave your worries to God and he will give us His peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

May the Lord keep you all safe and healthy, both physically and spiritually, and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.

In the risen Christ,

Fr. Vasile Tudora